Where to from here?

A new year brings the chance to reflect on how things are going in the studio and, more importantly, where do I go to from here.  It can be helpful to put together a shortlist of favourite paintings from last year or from years before and to examine them closely. From this, perhaps, a direction or theme for the new year will emerge.

 So here goes. Five favourites.



This has always been a favourite acrylic of mine. I like the limited pallet of teal and prussian blue which contrasts with the warm colour of the rocks. The uncluttered open space above and below the rocks feels restful but has a hint of movement with graceful tidal line.

  • limited pallet

  • open space

  • graceful lines

Salt Lines


Painted in 2022 this 60x60 oil painting still speaks to me. It has the right balance of dark and light, detail and simplicity and it has some loose gestural lines as part of the quiet conversation in the foreground. The limited pallet of soft pastels and darker greens creates a calm atmosphere.

  • limited pallet

  • loose free lines

  • open space



I enjoyed the more abstact feel to this work and its arial perspective. Once again the pallet is limited to pastel shades with areas of higher contrast that lead the eye around the image. I think the realistic image of the bird adds iterest to the plainer landforms.

  • limited pallet

  • graceful lines

  • abstract

Seasons I-IV


This series of small 20x20 acrylics really shine for me. They were done quickly and in reponse to the change in our local landscape. I love that I broke away from the very literal interpretation of the landscape and painted more intuitively.

  • limited pallets

  • abstract forms and shapes

  • colours that glow

Back Beach


The looseness and random marks appeal to me with this 30x30 acrylic. It has movement and energy.

  • energetic mark making

  • two tone pallet

So having looked at these favourite paintings and thought about them, I’m seeing that some patterns have emerged. Limited pallet, use of open space, movement in lines and a dash of abstraction. This excercise has been really quite hard, but its given me a sense of direction for the new year.

I hope you enjoyed the ride and I’d love to hear your thoughts.



On the horizon


Exhibition at Sanctuary Golf Resort