Open studio update

Wow what an amazing two days of visiting friends and new faces. We didn't do a count but hundreds of people made their way down our old gravel driveway and across the paddock to the studio. People were very interested in the natural swimming pool/dam and lingered in the autumn sunshine sipping coffee and enjoying the view. Honey our Kelpie border collie rescue dog greeted every single person as they arrived.

It was lovely to chat to everyone and share our work. My daughter Shae of Shae's Clay sold half of her stock on the first day and 16 of my paintings went off to new homes. We were over the moon.

Our support team Rob and Hadyn were busy with managing sales, making coffee and general chit chat.

By Sunday 5 o'clock we were totally done in but happy. Honey was so exhausted with her meet and greet role she didn't even demand her afternoon walk.


The story of a painting


Studio nearly ready!