It’s so hard sometimes!
This is so hard! Sometimes paintings come easy but there's always that problem child.
I'm trying so hard to capture the feeling of the Ferguson River that forms the boundary to our property. I walk with Honey, our dog along its banks every morning, but I just can't get it right. Sometimes it feels like it's just within my grasp but then it's gone again. Hopefully each layer adds depth and a history to the work.
An interesting complication was when I left this work in progress on my easel during the open studio. A couple of visitors said they liked it as it was. You could have knocked me over with a feather. “This isn’t finished….is it?” Now of course I'm terrified to touch it in case I destroy whatever it was in the painting that they liked.
What do you think is it finished?
Artists out there do you have this problem?
How do you cope with your problem child?